Sunsmart Policy
Australia has the highest incidence of skin cancer in the world with 140,000 new cases and 1,000 deaths recorded each year.
There are four factors, often occurring simultaneously, which contribute to these statistics: The population is predominately fair-skinned Ultra-violet light from the sun is of sufficient intensity ti induce skin cancer in the susceptible population For most of this century social values have supported the belief that a suntan is healthy and attractive Lifestyle, work, school and recreational habits expose people to the sun for long periods
Skin damage, including skin cancer, is a result of cumulative exposure to the sun. Much of the damage occurs during childhood and adolescence. Research suggests that severe sunburn is a contributor to skin cancer and other forms of skin damage such as wrinkles, sunspots, blemishes and premature ageing. Most skin damage and skin cancer is therefore preventable.
Public schools can help reduce the incidence of skin cancer and the number of related deaths by encouraging all members of the school community to take effective skin proctective measure.
The purpose of the Sunsmart Policy is to promote among students, staff and parents: Positive attitudes towards skin protection Lifestyles practices which can help reduce the incidence of skin cancer and the number of related deaths
Personal responsibility for and decision making about skin protection Awareness of the need for environmental changes in schools to reduce the level of exposure to the sun
Children will be encouraged to wear hats which protect the face, neck and ears whenever they are outside eg. Sport, sport carnivals, outdoor excursions and activities Children who do not have hats will play in the Public undercover area at lunch time.
Children will be encouraged to apply SPF 15+ sunscreen to exposed skin before going outside. Teachers will schedule outdoor activities before 10.00am and 2.00pm, whenever possible Staff will be encouraged to act as role models by practising Sunsmart behaviour – wearing hats, sunscreen.
Our school will:
- Ensure that school hats are appropriate and satisfy Cancer Council Guidelines
- Ensure that adequate shade is provided at sporting carnivals and outdoor events
- Provide more shelters and shade trees
- Integrate skin cancer prevention issues into classroom programs
- Reinforce the Sunsmart Policy in a positive way through newsletters and parent meetings
When enrolling children parents will be:
- Informed of the Sunsmart Policy
- Requested to purchase a school hat
- Encouraged to practise Sunsmart behaviours themselves